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Inglise keele vestlusring Sophiega

4. veebruaril kell 17:00 on raamatukogu 3. korrusel asuvasse saksa lugemissaali oodatud kõik, kes soovivad harjutada inglise keelt seda emakeelena kõnelejaga.

Vestlusringi veab Sophie Abrahamson, kes on Eestisse tulnud USA-st Fulbrighti vahetusprogrammi raames.

Sophie kirjutab enda kohta:

„Tere! My name is Sophie Abrahamson. I am here through the United States exchange program called “Fulbright,” working as an English Teaching Assistant at the Pärnu Koidula Gümnaasium this school year. After this year, I will be attending medical school back in the U.S. I grew up in Los Angeles, California, and went to college at Columbia University in New York City, where I studied biochemistry. I love musical theater, bouldering (indoor rock climbing), and coffee and tea, as well as talking about the exciting similarities and differences between Estonia and the U.S. I look forward to meeting everyone, and if you ever want to practice your English, please say hello!“


4. veebruar 2025 17:00 18:30

Akadeemia 3
Pärnu, 80010 Eesti
+372 445 5707
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